We Have a New Radiology!
- 21 Nov 2024
- Dorota Malag

This year, thanks to the support of foundations and private individuals, we have managed to realize the plan of building a Diagnostic and Radiology Unit but we have also managed to have a new X-ray machine fulfill the great dream of Sister Edyta, our qualified radiologist.
Her problem was that the X-ray images obtained on the old device were not accurate enough to clearly visualize pathological changes.
The first preparatory work for the construction of new building began in June 2023. The area had to be cleared of bushes and trees, a conflicting water installation had to be rebuilt, and the fence had to be moved. Three months later, the actual construction began. From the very beginning, we wanted to create, as far as possible, a modern diagnostic laboratory. Not only patients and staff must feel comfortable in the building. We had to adapt the rooms to the restrictive requirements of electronic diagnostic equipment. In Katondwe, this is primarily associated with the need to regulate the temperature, humidity, and dust level in the rooms.
In June 2024, the building was put into use. We are already performing radiographic and ultrasound diagnostic examinations in it. We plan to expand our capabilities to include mammography and computed tomography.
Our great joy and fulfillment of dreams is the new X-ray machine. Of course, a great convenience is the lack of the need to develop films in a darkroom. However, for us, the capabilities of computer-aided X-ray equipment are very important. Diagnostics are faster and – thanks to incomparably better resolution – much more accurate.
This success is our joint achievement. Of our donors, collaborators, the Pro Spe Foundation, Polish Aid, the Pod Skrzydłami Foundation, and a friendly Łódź company. We extend our sincere thanks to everyone.
The dedication of the facility is planned for November 25th.
Of course, our mission in Katondwe does not end there. We do not cease in our efforts to create a place where qualified help will be received by all those in need, not only from Zambia, but also from neighboring Mozambique and Zimbabwe. We still have plans and dreams.