Increasing number of cholera outbreaks in Africa
- 11 Jan 2024
- Dorota Malag

Not a day goes by in Katondwe without us having to face difficult, often unpredictable situations. Every day, people in serious condition come to our hospital and require immediate help. We diagnose and treat various cases – for example limb injuries and chronic diseases. However, the african population must deal with another type of threat - infectious diseases, which are an extremely serious and frequent problem, especially in this part of the world.
. Over the years we were confronted with cases of malaria and HIV, but recently it is cholera that is taking it’s toll.
Due to the very high temperatures, difficult economic situation and poor sanitary conditions – problems that many african regions struggle with - infectious diseases most often develop right here in Africa, where more and more cases of epidemics occur. One of the diseases that are almost absent in other parts of the world, but are still a great threat among the African population, is cholera - dangerous, highly contagious and with an acute course. Today this problem also affects our community in Katondwe.
The rainy period is currently upon us. Contrary to popular belief, this is a difficult time because of the shortage of clean water, which happens to be the best preventive measure against cholera. Frequent problems with water treatment along with the ongoing global warming result in the occuring of new outbreaks of this disease in Africa. Recently, as many as 24 people infected with cholera died in the Lusaka region. This is the worst epidemic situation, when it comes to the cases of cholera, that we’ve witnessed in Zambia for many years.
Treatment of patients in this case mainly involves hydration, usually intravenously. Severe course of cholera is extremely dangerous for the elderly and children. The situation is very serious and requires special attention and increased commitment from all of us.
We hope that this difficult time shall pass quickly. We will be grateful for your support, prayers and good thoughts that always encourage us and give us much needed energy to act.